This method will allow to pay (full or partial amount) with customers deposit via API.



After full payment, no need to use TicketBooking.

Request parameters

bookingidNumberBooking ID (from createBooking)
customeridNumberCustomer ID (from getCustomerDataNew)
currencyStringDeposit Currency code
amountNumberAmount of the deposit to use; possitive values only

  • Mandatory parameters


This method will respond with a list of customers, including personal details and additional information.

custidNumberCustomer ID
emailE-mailCustomer E-mail
nameStringFirst and last name of the customer
phoneNumberPhone number of the customer
passportNumberCustomer passport number
ffnumberNumberCustomer frequent flyer number
fflevelStringCustomer frequent flyer level name
ffcategoryElementCustomer frequent flyer category Points
statusNumberAmount of Status Points
bonusNumberAmount of Bonus Points
awardNumberAmount of Award Points
dobDateYYYY/MM/DD date of customer birth date
cityStringCity of the customer
zipcodeNumberCustomer zip code
companyStringCompany of the customer (if applicable)
vatNumberNumberVAT of the customer (if applicable)
totalDepositElementCustomer Total Deposit details per Currency
rtnameStringDeposit Currency 3 letters code
rtsymbolStringDeposit Currency symbol
rtdecimalsNumberDeposit Currency decimals
rtconvertNumberDeposit Currency Conversion Rate
rtidNumberDeposit Currency ID
dpcurrencyamountNumberTotal amount of Deposit with the mentioned currency
depositTransactionsHistoryElementCustomer Deposit Transactions History
dpamountNumberDeposit Amount: in case of payment, display negative amount. In case of adding Amount, display positive Amount.
rtnameStringDeposit Currency name
pnrrefNumberPNR number of the adding or using refund
pnrcreateddateDatePNR creation date
tripsElementThe list Customer PNRs
pnrrefNumberCustomer PNR number
createddateDatePNR creation date
dstfromnameStringFrom destination name
dstfromcodeStringFrom destination code
dsttonameStringTo destination name
dsttocodeStringTo destination code
departuredateDateDeparture date
arrivaldateDateArrival date

Optional error messages:
No {field name} defined on segment {i}
mandatory fields misssing: {fields name}
Your booking ID does not match the records
You do not have permission to do this action
Currency doesn’t match the records. please check currency already set in CRS system
There are no funds on this currency, please pay using a currency which have available deposit.
The received amount is larger than the PNR current balance. You have {amount} left to pay
There are not enough funds on this currency, please pay using a currency which have available deposit, or pay by parts. You have {amount} left.
The amount parameter must be greater than zero
PNR is not valid for this operation, please check your PNR
Multiple pending PNRs found, please contact support
Unexpected error, please try again later