This method will give you a list of passengers according to a charter date.

Request parameters

chartersDateDate*Charter date

  • Mandatory parameters


The method will response with all the information about the passengers in the charter.

charterElementThe element will contain all the information regarding to the charter
routedetailsElementThe element will contain all the information regarding the route
charterRoutingStringThe charter route
chrtrETDTimeEstimated Time of Departure
chrtrETATimeEstimated Time of Arrival
paxdetailsElementThe element will holds all the passenger information (For each passenger)
firstnameStringFirst number requested
lastnameStringLast name of the passenger
ageNumberAge name of the passenger
paxtitleStringThe title of the passenger
paxwithinfantBooleanPhone Is the passenger carrying infant of the customer
paxcountryStringCountry of the passenger
paxcountryisoStringPassenger ISO country
paxtypeStringType of the pasengers
phonenumberStringPhone number of the passenger
emailE-mailEmail of the passenger
ffnumberNumberFrequent flyer number of the passenger
pnrrefStringThe PNR reference
pnrstatusStringThe PNR status (OK/PN/RQ)
pnrnameStringPNR name
servicestatusStringService status (Active / Inactive)
servicebookingdateDateYYYY/MM/DD HH:MM - Service booking date
servicechangedateDateYYYY/MM/DD HH:MM - Service last change date (if cancelled)
pnrbookingdateDateYYYY/MM/DD HH:MM - PNR booking date
agencynameStringAgency name (if the booking is from an agency)
agencycontactStringThe first contact in the agency
agencyphoneStringAgency phone number
agencyacccodeStringAgency accounting code
agencywebcodeStringAgency web code
apisdataElementAdvance API Information
nationalityStringNationality of the passenger
typeStringType of document
passportnameStringPassport name of the passenger
docnumberNumberPassport number
passportissuerNumberPassport country
passportexpiryDatePassport expiry
genderStringGender (M-Male, F-Female, C-Child)
dateofbirthDateThe date of birth of the passenger
remarksElementEach remark in the PNR will be represented in a element
remarkStringRemark text
paxgenderStringGender (M-Male, F-Female, C-Child)