A new method which allows us to create a deposit amount for either an agency or direct customer.



Allow to send multiple elements for mass creation.

Allow to send only one parameter:

in case of direct customer use customeremail or customerid ;

in case of agency use agencyemail or agencyid.

Request parameters

customeremailE-mailCustomer email
customeridNumberCustomer ID (from getCustomerDataNew)
agencyemailE-mailAgency email
agencyidNumberAgency ID (from getAgency)
currencyString*Deposit Currency 3 letters code
amountNumber*Total amount to be added to Deposit account with the mentioned currency


This method will respond with a list of all available total deposit and it’s currency of the customer or agent.

depositBalanceElementCustomer/Agency Total Deposit details per Currency
customeremail/customeridElementCustomer E-mail or ID that was sent in request
agencyemail/agencyidElementAgency E-mail or ID that was sent in request
curencynameStringDeposit Currency 3 letters code
amountNumberTotal amount of Deposit with the mentioned currenc

Optional error messages:
No {field name} defined on segment {i}
mandatory fields misssing: {fields name}
You do not have permission to do this action
Company currency not found on segment {i}
Please send customer/agency credential on segment {i}
Please choose to add deposit to customer or agent on segment {i}
The amount parameter must be greater than zero on segment {i}
Customer not found on segment {i}
Agency not found on segment {i}
Unexpected error, please try again later