

Amending a booking must be actioned on one airline each time.
In addition - not all airlines support amendment and cancellations - please contact the airlines before integrating this API call

Request parameters

bookingconfirmationString*as accepted from confirmBooking
PNR ref
actionString*Action wanted - cancel / amend
bookflightElement*Include the flight details
fromcodeString*Origin code from getDestinations
tocodeString*Destination code from getDestinations
flightidNumber*flightid received from getDeepLink
fareidNumber*Received from getDeepLink
currencyString (Optional)Requested currency ISO (Example - USD)
chargetypeString*The iataCode chargetype
sendemailBoolean1 - Send a web confirmation email to the customer, 0 - Will not send a web confirmation email to the customer
(If not set in the request, The default value is 1)
legNumber (Optional)Leg to change

  • Mandatory parameters


The method will response with all the details and a booking ID which you can use in other methods in AeroCRS API.

bookingElementThe booking information, Holds items element
itemsElementHolds several other elements e.g. flight, hotel etc.
flightElementHolds the following elements:
airlineStringName of airline
airlineidNumberID of airline in AeroCRS systems
fromStringName of destination of departure
toStringName of destination of arrival
flightdateDateYYYY/MM/DD date of the flight
departTimeHH:MM 24hours time of departure
arriveTimeHH:MM 24hours time of arrival
numberStringFlight number
classStringClass code (Brand will be appended, if valid)
invidNumberID of booked flight (internal use)
invpricingMoneyTotal charged in the currency for the flight
AdultfareMoneyAdult RACK fare (per 1 adult)
ChildfareMoneyChild RACK fare (per 1 child)
InfantfareMoneyInfant RACK fare (per 1 infant)
taxMoneyTotal TAX
net_fareMoneyTotal NET fare (charged)
rack_fareMoneyTotal rack fare
totaltaxMoneyTotal TAX for flight
currencyStringThe currency used in the fare (ISO-4217)
converttousdNumberThe conversion rate to USD as defined by the airline.
termsStringRelated terms of the fare / booking class.
adultsNumberNumber of adults booked
childNumberNumber of children booked
infantNumberNumber of infants booked
totalpriceMoneyTotal amount for all booking
bookingidNumberBooking ID to be used in the confirmBooking API
pnrrefStringPNR Reference (Record locator) to show customer
pnrptlDatePayment time limit in GMT time zone YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM
pnrttlDateTicketing time limit in GMT time zone YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM
infaspaxBooleanIn case the airline defined infant as passenger
servicesArrayApplicable services for fare
feeObjectIf there is a fee applicable
typeStringType of fee
priceMoneyPrice of fee



If the PNR is fully paid after the amendments and no amount is left to pay - this PNR will ticket automatically. Otherwise you will need to call to makePayment and ticketBooking
