This method will respond with a list of active agencies, including contact details and other information. The request should allow retrieve Agencies by name or by agency email.



This method cannot retrieve agency's information from other airlines.

Agency names which includes ' and “ char will be NOT supported.

If the same email set for more than one agency, all agencies will be retrieved.

The search is done by exact name only.

Request parameters

agenciesElement*The following elements are within which represents a within
agencyElement*The Element hold the name or an email of the agency

  • Mandatory parameters


This method will respond with a list of customers, including personal details and additional information.

AgenciesElementThe following elements are within which represents a Agency within
AgencyElementThe following parameters are within (the element Agency will be for each agency)
agencyemailE-mailAgency’s email
agencynameStringThe name of the agency
phonenumberStringPhone number of the agency
addphonenumberStringAdditional phone number of the agency
contactStringAdditional phone number of the agency
addcontactStringContact of the agency
address1StringAgency address
address2StringAgency additional address
zipcodeStringAgency zip code
cityStringCity of the agency
bookinglimitMoneyMonetary booking limit
defaultcurrencyStringDefault currency of the agency
createdateDateYYYY/MM/DD date time of the system when creating the agency
agentgroupStringThe text string agency group
depositelementThe agency’s deposit balance, i.e. the amount available to use on future bookings.
currencyStringcurrency of the deposit
amountMoneyMonetary deposit amount in currency