This method will give you a list of served routes by airline
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
fltsFROMperiod | Date | YYYY/MM/DD start period of the required data |
fltsTOperiod | Date | YYYY/MM/DD end period of the required data |
codeformat | String | IATA / ICAO / INTERNAL / AIRLINE – output of codes IATA - the system will generate the output only for routes with IATA codes, and the output codes will be IATA ICAO - the system will generate the output only for routes with ICAO codes, and the output codes will be ICAO INTERNAL - The system will generate the output with internal assigned codes for non IATA destinations, note that AeroCRS internal codes can conflict with real IATA destinations, the rest of the destinations will be in IATA codes. AIRLINE - The system will output the destinations in the airline defined codes |
companycode* | String | Company short code (as supplied to you by the team) - Adding this element will narrow the search of the data for the specific airline. |
soldonline | Boolean | true / false - when set to true will show only flights which are sold online. |
ssim | Boolean | 1 - when the response should be in an SSIM format, 0 - string SSIM format (for non SSIM results do not send this prameter) |
The method will response with the airlines hosted inventory information.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fltnumber | String | Flight number |
airlinename | String | Airline name |
airlineid | Number | Number of airline ID |
fromdestination | String | Destination FROM code |
todestination | String | Destination TO code |
std | String | HH:MM departure time |
sta | String | HH:MM arrival time |
weekdaysun | Boolean | Sunday operating (true/false) |
weekdaymon | Boolean | Monday operating (true/false) |
weekdaytue | Boolean | Tuesday operating (true/false) |
weekdaywed | Boolean | Wednesday operating (true/false) |
weekdaythu | Boolean | Thursday operating (true/false) |
weekdayfri | Boolean | Friday operating (true/false) |
weekdaysat | Boolean | Saturday operating (true/false) |
accode | String | Aircraft code (might not appear to all airlines) |
fltsfromperiod | String | Start period of the flight active |
fltstoperiod | Number | End period of the flight active |