This method will update / create routing for the requested flight

Request parameters

flightnumberNumber*Flight number
flightdateDate*Flight departure date
routeidNumberRoute internal code, If supplied - will update relevant route, if not - new route will be created.
equipmentString*A/C registration name.
fromcodeStringRoute From destination code (first destination)
tocode1StringSecond destination code of the route
tocode2StringThird destination code of the route
tocode3StringFourth destination code of the route
tocode4StringFifth destination code of the route
tocode5StringSixth destination code of the route
tocode6StringSeventh destination code of the route
tocode7StringEighth destination code of the route
tocode8StringNinth destination code of the route
tocode9StringTenth destination code of the route
qty1NumberQuantity of passengers on leg 1
qty2NumberQuantity of passengers on leg 2
qty3NumberQuantity of passengers on leg 3
qty4NumberQuantity of passengers on leg 4
qty5NumberQuantity of passengers on leg 5
qty6NumberQuantity of passengers on leg 6
qty7NumberQuantity of passengers on leg 7
qty8NumberQuantity of passengers on leg 8
qty9NumberQuantity of passengers on leg 9
additionalCrewStringCrew information
fuelStringFuel information
remarkStringRemarks for flight
picStringPilot in command name as it listed in the system
sicStringSecond in command name as it listed in the system
fa1StringFlight attendant name as it listed in the system
fa2StringFlight attendant name as it listed in the system
fa3StringFlight attendant name as it listed in the system
fa4StringFlight attendant name as it listed in the system
tcStringTechnical aid name as it listed in the system

  • Mandatory parameters


Update Route

When performing an update it is recommended to send all parameters, if a parameters is not supplied- its former value (if exists) will be deleted.


The method will respond with "success" true if the route was successfully updated/created.

routeidNumberRoute internal code