This method will allow you to pay a booking using a valid credit card number and details.


You should use it when you wan to pay a booking with the end-customer / agency credit card and when you do not have any deposit on your account.


The method will response with a confirmation / rejection reason, you should ticketBooking once done with this method.



Not all of AeroCRS hosted airlines support this feature.



Calling the makePayment with a valid post, will charge the total summary of the booking on the system, there is no option to select the charge amount.

Request parameters

bookingidNumber*The bookingid you got from createBooking
creditcardpayerString*The credit card holder name and last name
creditcardnumberNumber*The credit card number
creditcardexpiryNumber*The credit card expiry in 4 digits MMYY
creditcardcvvNumberThe credit card CVV
currencyString (Optional)Currency ISO format (Example - USD)
transaction3dsBooleantrue/false - 3DS transaction
params3dsObjectContain the 3DS parameters
eciStringECI - From 3DS Authentication
xidStringXID - From 3DS Authentication
cavvStringCAVV - From 3DS Authentication
status_3dStringStatus 3D
version_3dStringVersion 3D
ismobilepaymentBooleantrue / false
mobileactionStringMobile action options/charge
mobileObjectContain the mobile parameters
mobiletypeStringMNO - Mobile Network Operator
mobilecountryStringThe country name of MNO
phonenumberStringThe phone number of the customer

  • Mandatory parameters



For testing use this credit card number: 5326445577889977
You can only test "northair" test company


3DS Integration

Please not that before using 3DS integration, contact AeroCRS support to verify which airlines supported.

Mobile payments (AeroCRS Network)

Contact AeroCRS to provide payment notification URL for your integration in advance.
Mobile money payment notification


The method will response with a confirmation / rejection reason, you should ticketBooking once done with this method.

bookingidNumberThe booking ID
paymentstatusStringThe response:

OK - Confirmed

PN - Pending

XX - Rejected
paymentstatusexplanationStringFree text of explanation
paymentoptionsElementInclude the MNO details
mobiletypeStringMNO - Mobile Network Operator
mobilecountryStringThe country name of MNO
instructionsStringPayment instructions