This method will change the fare details



With this method you can not update information from other airlines.

Request parameters

faresElement*The following elements are within which represents a within
fareElement*The Element hold the fare details
fareDetailsElement*The Element hold the fare details in AeroCRS system
fromcodeString*Departure airport code
tocodeString*Departure airport code.
classcodeString*Class code
fromdateDate*From date YYYY/MM/DD
todateDate*To date YYYY/MM/DD
currencyString*Currency ISO format (Example - USD)
newDetailsElement*The Element hold the new details to update
fromcodeString*Departure airport code
tocodeString*Departure airport code.
classcodeString*Class code
fromdateDate*From date YYYY/MM/DD
todateDate*To date YYYY/MM/DD
baggageNumberSet kg/lb (according to company settings) of baggage allowed for this route
brandStringBrand name (according the company), In order to change to default settings, Set zero value
schemeStringScheme name (according the company), In order to change to default settings, Set zero value
showhoursNumberSet the number of hours before the flight the fare should show
if set to zero‚ will show always
expirehoursNumberSet the number of hours before the flight this fare should expire
minstayNumberSet the number of days for return bookings‚ if a booking is done for less than the stated days‚ the system will not show the fare
maxstayNumberSet the number of days for return bookings‚ if a booking is done for more than the stated days‚ the system will not show the fare
sellstartDateFare sell start date
sellendDateFare sell end date
limitcurrencyBooleanLimit the fare to be sold only for this currency
chargevatontaxBooleanCharge VAT on tax
owadlMoneyOne way fare adult ticket price amount
owchdMoneyOne way fare child ticket price amount
owinfMoneyOne way fare infant ticket price amount
owtax1MoneyOne way fare ticket tax 1 amount
owtax2MoneyOne way fare ticket tax 2 amount
owtax3MoneyOne way fare ticket tax 3 amount
owtax4MoneyOne way fare ticket tax 4 amount
rtadlMoneyRound trip fare adult ticket price amount
rtchdMoneyRound trip fare child ticket price amount
rtinfMoneyRound trip fare infant ticket price amount
rttax1MoneyRound trip fare ticket tax 1 amount
rttax2MoneyRound trip fare ticket tax 2 amount
rttax3MoneyRound trip fare ticket tax 3 amount
rttax4MoneyRound trip fare ticket tax 4 amount
terminalStringDeparture terminal
yieldshowNumberPercentage to show fare
yieldexpireNumberPercentage to expire fare
sundayBooleanSelling day (Sunday)
mondayBooleanSelling day (Monnday)
tuesdayBooleanSelling day (Tuesday)
wednesdayBooleanSelling day (Wednesday)
thursdayBooleanSelling day (Thursday)
fridayBooleanSelling day (Friday)
saturdayBooleanSelling day (Saturday)

  • Mandatory parameters



The request can contain optional parameters, In case some parameters are skipped - those fields data in AeroCRS system will not be changed.



Request can contain multiple fares

Response parameters

faresElementThe following elements are within which represents a within
fareElementThe following parameters are within fare
fromcodeStringThe departure airport code which been updated
tocodeStringThe departure airport code which been updated
classcodeStringThe class code which been updated
fromdateDateFrom date YYYY/MM/DD which been updated
todateDateTo date YYYY/MM/DD which been updated
currencyStringCurrency ISO format which been updated
errorStringError information