This method will change the fare details
With this method you can not update information from other airlines.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
fares | Element* | The following elements are within which represents a within |
fare | Element* | The Element hold the fare details |
fareDetails | Element* | The Element hold the fare details in AeroCRS system |
fromcode | String* | Departure airport code |
tocode | String* | Departure airport code. |
classcode | String* | Class code |
fromdate | Date* | From date YYYY/MM/DD |
todate | Date* | To date YYYY/MM/DD |
currency | String* | Currency ISO format (Example - USD) |
newDetails | Element* | The Element hold the new details to update |
fromcode | String* | Departure airport code |
tocode | String* | Departure airport code. |
classcode | String* | Class code |
fromdate | Date* | From date YYYY/MM/DD |
todate | Date* | To date YYYY/MM/DD |
baggage | Number | Set kg/lb (according to company settings) of baggage allowed for this route |
brand | String | Brand name (according the company), In order to change to default settings, Set zero value |
scheme | String | Scheme name (according the company), In order to change to default settings, Set zero value |
showhours | Number | Set the number of hours before the flight the fare should show if set to zero‚ will show always |
expirehours | Number | Set the number of hours before the flight this fare should expire |
minstay | Number | Set the number of days for return bookings‚ if a booking is done for less than the stated days‚ the system will not show the fare |
maxstay | Number | Set the number of days for return bookings‚ if a booking is done for more than the stated days‚ the system will not show the fare |
sellstart | Date | Fare sell start date |
sellend | Date | Fare sell end date |
limitcurrency | Boolean | Limit the fare to be sold only for this currency |
chargevatontax | Boolean | Charge VAT on tax |
owadl | Money | One way fare adult ticket price amount |
owchd | Money | One way fare child ticket price amount |
owinf | Money | One way fare infant ticket price amount |
owtax1 | Money | One way fare ticket tax 1 amount |
owtax2 | Money | One way fare ticket tax 2 amount |
owtax3 | Money | One way fare ticket tax 3 amount |
owtax4 | Money | One way fare ticket tax 4 amount |
rtadl | Money | Round trip fare adult ticket price amount |
rtchd | Money | Round trip fare child ticket price amount |
rtinf | Money | Round trip fare infant ticket price amount |
rttax1 | Money | Round trip fare ticket tax 1 amount |
rttax2 | Money | Round trip fare ticket tax 2 amount |
rttax3 | Money | Round trip fare ticket tax 3 amount |
rttax4 | Money | Round trip fare ticket tax 4 amount |
terminal | String | Departure terminal |
yieldtype | String | Cabin/Class |
yieldshow | Number | Percentage to show fare |
yieldexpire | Number | Percentage to expire fare |
sunday | Boolean | Selling day (Sunday) |
monday | Boolean | Selling day (Monnday) |
tuesday | Boolean | Selling day (Tuesday) |
wednesday | Boolean | Selling day (Wednesday) |
thursday | Boolean | Selling day (Thursday) |
friday | Boolean | Selling day (Friday) |
saturday | Boolean | Selling day (Saturday) |
- Mandatory parameters
The request can contain optional parameters, In case some parameters are skipped - those fields data in AeroCRS system will not be changed.
Request can contain multiple fares
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
fares | Element | The following elements are within which represents a within |
fare | Element | The following parameters are within fare |
fromcode | String | The departure airport code which been updated |
tocode | String | The departure airport code which been updated |
classcode | String | The class code which been updated |
fromdate | Date | From date YYYY/MM/DD which been updated |
todate | Date | To date YYYY/MM/DD which been updated |
currency | String | Currency ISO format which been updated |
success | Boolean | true/false |
error | String | Error information |