This method will return the current fares for the selected route and date

Request parameters

startDateBegging of date range
endDateEnd of date range
fromString(Optional) - Departure destination code
toString(Optional) - Arrival destinaion code
The iataCode chargetype
The currency short code. This will force prices to be in this requested currency



This method will be available starting August 1st, 2018.


The method will response with a list of fares sellable as on the time of the request.

countNumbernumber of fares found
airlineDesignatorStringAirline Designator
airlineICAOcodeStringAirline 3 letter ICAO code
airlinenameStringAirline name
fromCodeStringDestination FROM code
toCodeStringDestination TO code
fromDateStringFare flight date range start
toDateStringFare flight date range end
classStringThe class code
typeStringThe brand name
currencyStringThe currency used in the fare
websiteDiscountMoneyDiscount for web bookings. If you are redirecting to company's website, you should multiply this number to the fare
chargeTypeStringCharge type (e.g citizen, foreigner)
chargeTypeCodeStringIATA code for charge type
faretypeStringTrip type (Direct / Connection)
OWfareBooleanFare use OW fields
RTfareBooleanFare use RT fields
adultFareRTMoneyFare for Adult (Round trip)
childFareRTMoneyFare for Child (Round trip)
infantFareRTMoneyFare for Infant (Round trip)
tax1RTMoneyTax (Round trip)
tax2RTMoneyTax (Round trip)
tax3RTMoneyTax (Round trip)
tax4RTMoneyTax (Round trip)
chargeTaxOnReturnTripStringWhen searching for a RT, this will state if we charge the tax on both legs, first leg only or second leg only
adultFareOWMoneyFare for Adult (One Way)
childFareOWMoneyFare for Child (One Way)
infantFareOWMoneyFare for Infant (One Way)
tax1OWMoneyTax (One Way)
tax2OWMoneyTax (One Way)
tax3OWMoneyTax (One Way)
tax4OWMoneyTax (One Way)
notificationStringFare notification